It doesn’t have to be that hard …
OR Why I’m an Intuitive Eating Coach

I was watching The Biggest Loser with my daughter, the contestants were crying and vomiting, working out for hours every day, eating next to nothing— and then they stepped on the scale. It was agony or ecstasy depending on what the scale said.

I knew the pain they were feeling, I had lived by the scale from the time I was a teenager.

That’s when it hit me: It doesn’t have to be that hard and I can show you how to get there in a compassionate and loving way that will serve you for LIFE.

Donna Agajanian Intuitive Eating Coach

When I changed my thinking around food and my body my whole life changed in ways I never could have imagined:

I can eat the foods I love without guilt or shame, and maintain a healthy weight.

I have an appreciation and respect for my body—the same body that I had been blaming for all that was lacking in my life.

And maybe the biggest piece, I learned to manage my emotions without food!

I specialize in helping women overcome overeating in a healthy, life-lasting way.

Learn more, schedule a free 30-minute call.

MY STORY: Losing weight didn’t fix what was wrong …

It hit me like a ton of bricks after gaining back the 25 pounds (or more) I’d lost on Weight Watchers (and any number of other diets) for the umpteenth time: losing the weight hadn’t solved anything.

 If losing weight wasn’t the answer I was determined to find out what was.

That’s how I found my way to Intuitive Eating.

I realized I had it backwards, I wasn’t unhappy because I was overweight, I was overweight because I was unhappy.

I was using food to deal with my emotions.

To be honest, dealing with why I overate seemed much harder than going on a diet but the truth is, once I dealt with my core issues I stopped overeating.”

I’d love to help you find your way out of overeating. For good.

What can an Intuitive Eating Coach do for you?

As a Certified Intuitive Eating Coach I can help you understand your relationship with food and how to develop the skills and traits of an Intuitive Eater.

I’ve been where you are, I struggled with my weight, body image and a negative thought loop that kept me stuck until I learned about emotional eating and how to deal with my emotions instead of eating them.

I became an Intuitive Eater over 25 years ago and I haven’t dieted since!

Take a chance on you! Schedule a free 30-minute call.